話說黃金獵犬號稱狗界智商的探花,聰明才智應該可以上的了交通大學吧! 夏天熱了會找冷氣強的地方睡,冷了,就找又暖又舒服的地方窩著,這時候床當然就是上上之選,可惜,狗畢竟是狗,就算被寵上了天,待遇跟人還是要有所區分,因為全家大大小小的東西都被牠的鐵齒鑑定過,口水玷汙過,只剩下床是唯一的淨土(其實牠趁我們不注意,三不五時還是會自己跳上來跑個兩圈才甘願),這樣堅持不讓牠上床睡的結果就是,牠睡的是全家最貴要價20萬的"床"(上圖跟下圖),這算是「生命總會找到出路」的新解嗎? OS(真是又大又寬敞,可以任我翻身睡到爽,還沒人跟我搶)

「睡得時間長,不用來作夢不是太浪費了嗎? 要夢什麼好勒? 嗯~雞腿排骨紅蘋果,光用想的就令偶忍不住要吐舌頭,啁啁作響」,(剛在寫的同時,牠竟然用舌頭往地上一舔嗑掉一隻小小蟑螂! 雖說這是為民除害,但也不免令人作噁),有一回好奇拉了牠舌頭,只見牠恍神張著迷矇的大眼,目光呆滯的牠,應該是在回味「雞腿,妳不要走!!」


寫完可以去睡覺了,送上一首今天聽到很正點的歌《Sweet Disposition》by The Temper Trap,大家一定要幸福喔!!
電影《戀夏500日 500 days of Summer》版本
Sweet disposition
Never too soon
Oh reckless abandon
Like no one's
Watching you
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause i'll be comin over
And while our bloods still young
It's so young
It runs
And we won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
Songs of desperation
I played them for you
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause i'll be comin over
And while our bloods still young
It's so young
It runs
And we won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs(won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A moment, a love (won't stop to surrender)