

「Let A Stranger Drive You Home」是海尼根Heineken針對飲酒態度的新廣告。個人非常喜歡這廣告的意涵跟氣氛,海尼根對年輕人的心態掌握真是精準

兩男兩女一派才剛結束狂歡聚會,在車上繼續意猶未盡隨著音樂搖擺歡唱,Biz Makie的《Just a Friend》,四人唱得好不陶醉,唱到副歌的時候,這開車的人也認出了這首歌,將音量加大,投入跟著唱和「oh baby you,you got what I need,but you say he's just a friend...」,原來這是一輛計程車。


Enjoy Heineken Responsibly飲用海尼根的正確態度,是海尼根的Campaign之一,這支廣告片屬於這系列的作品,有一個專屬網站,有興趣可以進去瞧瞧

這首歌Just a Friend是1989年的作品,當年還獲得Billboard第9名的佳績,這首歌的副歌取樣自1968年Freddie Scott的You Got What I Need

Just A Friend - Biz Markie
Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date
But a year to make love she wanted you to wait
Let me tell ya a story of my situation
I was talkin to this girl from the u.s. nation
The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
She had long hair and a short miniskirt
I just got onstage drippin, pourin with sweat
I was walkin through the crowd and gues who I met
I whispered in her ear, come to the picture booth
So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof
I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra
I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
I said, how do you like the show?
She said, I was very amused
I started throwin bass, she started throwin back mid-range
But when I sprung the question, she acted kind of strange
Then when I asked, do ya have a man, she tried to pretend
She said, no I dont, I only have a friend
Come on, Im not even goin for it
This is what Im goin sing

You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
And you say hes just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
But you say hes just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
But you say hes just a friend

So I took blah-blahs word for it at this time
I thought just havin a friend couldnt be no crime
cause I have friends and thats a fact
Like agnes, agatha, germaine, and jacq
Forget about that, lets go into the story
About a girl named blah-blah-blah that adored me
So we started talkin, getttin familiar
Spendin a lot of time so we can build up
A relationship or some undderstanding
How its gonna be in the future we was plannin
Everything sounded so dandy and sweet
I had no idea I was in for a treat
After this was established, everything was cool
The tour was over and she went back to school
I called every day to see how she was doin
Everytime that I ccalled her it seemed somethin was brewin
I called her on my dime, picked up, and then I called again
I said, yo, who was that? oh, hes just a friend
Dont gimme that, dont ever gimme that
Jus bust this

You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
And you say hes just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
But you say hes just a friend, oh baby
You, you got what I need but you say hes just a friend
But you say hes just a friend

So I came to her college on a surprise visit
To see my girl that was so exquisite
It was a school day, I knew she was there
The first semester of the school year
I went to a gate to ask where was her dorm
This guy made me fill out a visitors form
He told me where it was and I as on my way
To see my baby doll, I was happy to say
I arrrived in front of the dormitory
Yo, could you tell me where is door three?
They showed me where it was for the moment
I didnt know I was in for such an event
So I came to her room and opened the door
Oh, snap! guess what I saw?
A fella tongue-kissin my girl in the mouth,
I was so in shock my heart went down south
So please listen to the message that I say
Dont ever talk to a girl who says she just has a friend




「自曝其短是個好生意」這句話要能成立,有一個很關鍵的核心概念,那就是「你的產品不適合所有人」,聽起來像廢話,卻是許多行銷人忽略或是不願面對的事實。這句話反過來說「只有一部分人對你的產品感興趣」,應該就更能體會。  就像你賣檸檬,明明酸得要死,有客人問你「這檸檬會不會很酸?」,又例如被嫌:車子很小、便當吃不飽、東西很貴...,你會回答一個討好客人的答案,避開普遍認知的“缺點”,以為半夜吹口哨就可以壯膽,矇混過關,天下哪有那麼簡單的事。面對這樣的處境,你怎麼辦? 


想像一下,如果你住台北,起心動念想要出國旅遊,最近才在網路上搜尋日本京都。然後就在社群媒體上看到一則針對你需求的動態廣告影片,一邊是京都的西本願寺;一邊是台北的西本願寺(沒錯,在西門町就有一個日治時代的西本願寺),上面寫著「搭飛機到京都 台幣9000元;搭捷運只要台幣25元」,看到這兒,你會不會有一點動心? 「如果搭火車旅遊,體驗同樣美景只需台幣660元,為什麼要花冤枉錢搭飛機?」。這就是《 德國鐵路 Deutsche Bahn 》推廣「搭火車,在德國就能環遊世界」的核心概念。 概念雖然聽起來很簡單,但要產生說服力而且讓消費者行動,可就需要功力了。因為如果你以為只用傳統的行銷模式,拍一支美美的旅遊廣告、堆砌華麗的辭藻,然後片尾打上「在德國就能環遊世界」的slogan,在電視上強力放送就能讓消費者沒有抵抗力的跟著你走,從出國旅遊改成留在國內,停留在這種層次的溝通,其結果恐怕感動不了幾個人。 有時候不是你不想留在國內玩,只是你忘了在地的美好

帶星巴克隨行卡出門? 遜! 帶iPhone出門? 酷!

連續四篇相關網誌,我的部落格都快成iPhone專區。實在是因為它的商務應用太精彩,不寫不快! Starbucks Card Mobile 是星巴克最新的軟體,主要功能就是《隨行卡》。用這個你就可以查餘額、買咖啡付錢、加值、享受優惠、查交易明細,跟真的隨行卡一樣,只是從一張塑膠卡,變成iPhone上的一個軟體。 它運用的是二維條碼 QR code 技術(下圖)。一開始將隨行卡的編號輸入就行了,要結帳付錢? 只要店員拿著掃瞄器對著手機上的QR Code一掃,就完成了結帳動作,自動更新帳戶餘額;如果錢不夠,還可以加值(下下圖),也可以設定自動加值的條件,例如:每天上午10點查詢一次餘額,若低於10美元,就自動加值20美元...。當然得先建立信用卡的相關資訊,才能完成動作。 隨行卡有的優惠,這軟體同樣適用,甚至為了鼓勵使用,條件還更優惠。要把iPhone當作付款工具,對企業或是使用者而言,這中間有一些風險必須小心,官網上有一些 Q&A的說明 ,我就不一一解釋。 目前這個功能還只在試驗階段,僅限北美某些星巴克有這項服務。我看了使用者對軟體的評價,有意見的人,大都集中在手機"無法登入"的問題,也就是你從手機上看到的資訊不是最即時的,但這並不會妨礙交易進行,其它部份的評價都頗高。 以前看到以QR code做為付款工具,多跟電信業者綁在一起,進行某項交易後,從你手機帳單裡支付,像星巴克這樣獨立完成一套金流作業的,比較少見。這試驗是個好的開始,我相信許多企業都在看它執行的成效,再修正跟進。 這功能如果跟我昨天寫的 foursquare 結合在一起,消費記錄就能補上了,距離理想的商務功能又向前邁進一步。 看完連續四篇iPhone無所不能的網誌,有讓你腦中出現一片美好未來的景像嗎? 有興趣的,我們找時間私下聊聊吧!! PS. 另一個星巴克軟體 mystarbucks 跟這個可以配套使用。mystarbucks主要功能,是找尋最近的starbucks、客製你的專屬咖啡,大杯冰拿鐵去冰少糖加肉桂不加奶油...,隨你高興怎麼配。特製的清單交給店員,或是傳給你的朋友,讓他上班路上順道買一杯,她就能如你所願的完成你要的咖啡了。